

Who We Are

Trinity Alliance Church (TAC) is part of the The Alliance, also known as the Christian & Missionary Alliance.  LEARN MORE | C&MA DNA

What We Believe

Our vision is to have Passion for God and Compassion for Others. We proclaim Christ as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King! LEARN MORE

Our Mission

  • Invest & Invite: We desire to invest in the lives of those around us within the Church and the community, and to invite others into life-giving relationships with Christ and our Church family.
  • Engage & Equip: We want everyone engaged by actively participating in individual and corporate spiritual growth, and equipping believers by rooting ourselves in the Word of God and prayer.
  • Serve & Send: We encourage everyone to serve by using their time, talents, and treasures to help others. We want to develop and equip people of all ages to follow Jesus faithfully.

Where Will All This Lead? Watch the video below to learn more about how The Alliance started.